Fisheries & Seafood
The largest value catch in England
The port of Brixham is at the centre of the UK fishing industry and offers exciting opportunities for fishing and processing businesses. Investment in Brixham Fish Market and a combination of traditional values and modern methods gives Brixham a strong marine economy and a distinct advantage over other fishing ports across the UK.
The most important fisheries centre in Britain
Brixham’s fleet is key to the continued success of the fish and seafood sector in the region. As the largest fishing port in England this continued growth supports a strong processing sector.
Get closer to England’s largest catch
Brixham is one of the most important ports for landing high quality fish and shellfish in England, but currently the majority of processing is done elsewhere in the UK. This presents an opportunity for processors who want immediate access to England’s largest catch and reinforce the provenance of their product.
Strong brand recognition
As a brand, Brixham has a high public awareness factor and is immediately recognised as a producer of top quality fish, giving businesses a distinct advantage when it comes to promotion.
A 21st Century market
Brixham is a modern market with a robust logistics infrastructure provided by companies with expert knowledge in chilled and refrigerated transport. Coupled with recent investment in real time market place electronic technology, the infrastructure to develop and expand a successful processing business is already in place.
The right place to do business
With a raft of professional services and resources to help build the local economy, TDA can work with you to establish and grow your processing business. We can help you to find premises, provide advice on skills and apprenticeships and also introduce you to the wider Torbay business community.