Torbay Sector Skills Support

The Project

Lead organisation: South Devon College

Project name: Torbay Sector Skills Support

Investment priority: People and Skills

Shared Prosperity Funding: £208,719

Other Funding:

£100,000 (Internal Economic Development Budget)

£176,000 (Torquay Towns Deal)


Through UKSPF and additional local funding, South Devon College will deliver the Torbay Sector Skills Support Programme until March 2026. The programme will work with employers with Torbay’s key sectors to support upskilling employees and unlocking workplace potential.

The key sectors that will be supported through the Torbay Sector Skills Support Programme include:

  • Microelectronics and Photonics
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Fisheries
  • Construction
  • Medical and Healthcare
  • Creative and Digital

For more information, please email

Torbay Sector Skills Support

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